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The Lost Poem and Others Like it contains 131 poems of varying forms, moods, and subjects. There are light comic verses, incantations, passionate beat rants, personal confessions, ballads, lyrics, and concrete poems that use language visually. This collection also introduces a new poetic genre, the graffiti poem.


The Lost Poem and Others Like It celebrates the freedom and versatility of verse, how much it can express in meaning, sound, image, and look.  I wanted to write a book of poems with energy, style, and wit, which does not sit on the margins of literature, but seeks to communicate with and entertain readers.  


I wish to describe those moments, emotions, situations and thoughts that matter most to me and hopefully connect with readers. I want my readers to enjoy these poems, to always be engaged by them, and to finish each one, feeling that they just encountered something new and familiar.

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